How to Be a Pirate


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A National Bestseller!

"A beautiful, generous, fun collaboration of story and illustration and pirate tattoos. Seriously wise pirate advice for everyone." - Jon Scieszka, National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature

CeCe dreams of being a pirate. When the neighborhood boys tell her that she can't, she wonders where to begin. Luckily, she suspects her grandpa must know something about being a pirate--why else would he have all those tattoos?

As he shares each tattoo, Grandpa and CeCe are transported from adventure to adventure, and CeCe discovers that there are all kinds of ways to be a pirate--BeBRAVE!BeQUICK!BeINDEPENDENT!AndFUN!--and most of all, whether you're a pirate or not, the most important thing you can do is toBELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

This heartwarming and imaginative story from Isaac Fitzgerald and bestselling illustrator Brigette Barrager is a vibrant, joyful expression of what it means to be all kinds of wonderful things . . . including a pirate.