In this exciting sequel to The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane, Emmy's adventures continue as she deals with a sinister organization, a missing father, and secrets she's not sure who to trust with
After spending the summer at home, Emmy cannot wait to return to Wellsworth for the new school year and reunite with her best friends, Lola and Jack. Before she leaves Emmy receives a note from her father tellingher to hide the remaining relics The Order of Black Hollow Lane are after—and to trust no one.
When Lola is framed for a serious crime she didn't commit, Emmy knows that she and her friends are not safe. The Order wants Emmy to give up her father's location... if she doesn't, those she loves will pay the price.
Emmy and Jack need to figure out a way to clear Lola's name without bending to the Order's sinister demands. And Emmy needs to figureout who she can trust with her secrets before it's too late.
Praise for the Black Hollow Lane series:
"A fast-paced mystery with lots of adventure and surprising twists!"—Jessica Day George, New York Times bestselling author